2024-2025 By-Election
In December, two of our Executive members resigned from the STA Executive due to personal circumstances. We are sad to see these team members take a break from their work with the STA, but know that they will continue doing amazing work advocating for teachers and publicly funded and publicly delivered education. To Neal and Cathlia, thank you for your passionate work on behalf of the teachers of Saskatoon.
These resignations mean that there are currently 2 positions open on the STA Executive:
1 Public System Coordinator
1 Executive member-at-large (Please note: In the event that the Public System Coordinator position is filled by a nominee who already sits on the Executive, this would then cause a chain reaction that would result in 2 Executive member-at-large positions being open for election at the January Assembly meeting.)
At this time, the Executive has decided to make a call for nominations to fill those positions. You can find the Election Packages, Nomination Forms and Declaration Forms for both positions on our website, by clicking here. You can also find the STA Constitution on our website, by clicking here.
Nominations will be open from Monday, January 6th to Friday, January 24th at 5:00 PM.
Members interested in running will ask a colleague in good standing to nominate them using the appropriate form. Filling out the form will serve as a digital signature to nominate.
The nominee will submit a declaration form using the appropriate link below.
In addition, there is an option to email elections@saskatoonteachers.ca a 300 word profile and/or photo, which will be posted to the website and social media.
Nominations and profile submissions will close at Friday January 24th at 5:00 PM.
Election Process:
We will begin the evening of the 28th with our Systems Meetings, at which time the Public System Coordinator will be acclaimed or elected by the Public System Representative Assembly Members present, who hold voting rights in this election as per our constitution. If a vote is required, candidates will be granted two minutes to address the Public Systems Meeting on January 28th, followed by an electronic ballot election. The ballots will be verified immediately after the vote, with the winners announced and the results ratified.
At the conclusion of the Systems Meetings, we will join together for our Representative Assembly Meeting to elect or acclaim the 1 (or 2) Executive Member-at-large positions. If a vote is required, candidates will be granted two minutes to address the Representative Assembly on January 28th. Following the addresses, Representative Assembly Members present will have the right to vote via electronic ballot, as they hold voting rights in this election as per our constitution The ballots will be verified immediately after the vote, with the winners announced and the results ratified.
For Further Information:
Questions can be directed to Megan Larson-Wilkie at elections@saskatoonteachers.ca.
Best of luck to all candidates,
Megan Larson-Wilkie
Chief Electoral Officer
Saskatoon Teachers' Association
2024-2025 STA
Executive & Councillor Elections
Executive & Councillor Elections
Elections are now open for 2024-2025, with terms beginning July 1st. Please click here to find details and documents, including the election packages that outline the roles and responsibilities of each position, the timelines for each position, and the nomination forms. If you have any questions, please be sure to reach out to president@saskatoonteachers.ca or elections@saskatoonteachers.ca.