STA Assembly
2023-2024 Assembly Dates
President's Reports
At each Assembly meeting, the President delivers a report to Assembly members detailing the work that has been done on behalf of the Association since the previous Assembly meeting. These reports are shared in a Google Drive file with SSRs so that they can accurately and consistently share the contents of the report with their staffs.
January 28 2025
February 11 2025
March 18 2025
April 15 2025
May 20 2025
June 10 2025 Annual General Assembly
June 4 2024 Annual General Assembly
Meeting Procedures:
How to participate in Assemblies
How to participate in Assemblies
According to the STA Constitution:
"All general, Assembly and Executive meetings shall be conducted in accordance with STF Council Procedures or Robert's Rules of Order. The specific procedure will be determined and communicated to the members by the chair."
Our Constitution and Policy Committee has created a handy pamphlet to help SSRs understand how to participate at Representative Assemblies. Take a peek, and be sure to bring a copy to the next Assembly Meeting that you attend!
What happens at Representative Assembly Meetings?
Representative Assembly meetings typically provide an opportunity for the following:
President's Report - The President reports to membership on the work they have been doing, provides updates, and answers questions from membership
STF Report - Senior Admin Staff (SAS) from the STF provide updates and answer questions from membership
Committee Chair Reports - Committee chairs report to membership on what their committees are working on and how money is being spent in their budget lines, and invite questions from membership
Financial Report - The VP of Finance reports to membership on the state of the STA's finances, providing a broad overview of how much money we have spent, and invtes questions from membership
Old and New Business - Representative Assemblies are also where the business of the STA is conducted
Who can participate in Representative Assembly Meetings?
All members of the STA are welcome to attend Representative Assembly meetings, although according to our constitution, only SSRs are allowed to vote on motions and in elections.
Representative Assembly VS General Assembly (AGM)
The STA has two types of Assembly meetings: Representative Assemblies and General Assemblies.
Representative Assemblies are held approximately once a month, and are open to all members, but only SSRs are allowed to vote on motions and in elections. Typically only SSRs attend Representative Assembles.
General Assemblies, sometimes referred to as the AGM, are typically held only once a year, in May. They are also open to all members, and it is at General Assembly that we vote to approve our budget for the next year.
How can I become an SSR?
Great question! Click here to find out more about how you can attend Assembly meetings as an SSR, and what the roles and responsiblities are of SSRs.