STA Committees
The President of the STA is an ex-officio member of all of these committees.
Are you interested in sitting on an STA Committee for the 2024-2025 term? We'd love to have you join us! Fill out this form to indicate your interest. We'll be doing the work of building our committees over the summer.
Constitution & Policy Committee
Chairperson: Katie Groskopf
Ratified Members: Caileen McKeague, Murray Guest, Rob Liggett, Chris Scheirer
Non-Ratified Members: Eastlyn Appleton
*Only Executive members can be ratified members of the Constitution Committee, so we have chosen to include non-ratified (non-executive) members in this list. In the next committee lists we will only list ratified members, but all members are welcome to reach out to the chairs and contribute to the work of the committee.
According to the STA constitution:
Recommend possible amendments to constitution or policy
Draft policy proposals as directed by the President and Executive, to be presented at each executive meeting for consideration
Minimum 2 meetings per year
Consist of a recommended maximum of five Executive members put forward by the chair and ratified by the Assembly for a one-year term.
During the years of constitutional renewal, the Vice Presidents and Past President (when one exists) shall be members of the committee.
Convention Committee
Chairpersons: Katie Groskopf & Megan Larson-Wilkie
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Plan and implement annual convention with input from membership
Minimum 4 meetings per year
Maximum 10 ratified members with voting power
Electoral Committee
Chief Electoral Office (CEO): Megan Larson-Wilkie
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Conduct all elections for the President, Executive Vice-President, Vice President of Finance, Executive members and STF Councillors.
Distribute and count ballots for all elections, STA referenda, plebiscites, sanction votes and LINC ratification votes in accordance with STA procedures.
Distribute a list of declared candidates along with their professional profiles to the STA membership.
Hold meetings as required
Maximum 10 members with voting power
Executive Honorarium Committee
Chairpersons: Neal Cantin
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Set a formula for the allocation of funds (honorariums)
Hold meetings as required
Maximum 7 members with voting power, 4 of whom must be non-Executive members
Executive Professional Development Committee
Chairperson: Caileen McKeague
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA Constitution:
Oversee the application process of STA Executive members, for funds to support professional learning at workshops, conferences, and other leadership development events that would directly benefit and/or promote the local organization
Review applications and allocate funds to successful applicants, upon approval of the Administrative Vice-President
Hold meetings as required until all funds are dispersed
Maximum 4 members with voting power
LINC - Catholic & Public Committees
Shayne Meggs - Catholic
Vince Mamer - Public
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA Constitution:
the committee, run by the elected LINC Chair, that has the authority to bargain with school divisions on local issues. Each school division (Catholic and Public) has their respective LINC.
Public Relations Committee
Chairpersons: Eastlyn Appleton & Cathlia Ward
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Manage website and social media in partnership with the president
Minimum 3 meetings per year
Maximum 8 ratified members with voting power
Resolutions Committee
Chairpersons: Megan Larson-Wilkie
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Draft resolutions about issues or concerns when so directed by the Executive and/or assembly
Provide guidance and support to members who wish to submit resolutions for consideration at Spring Council and/or a Special Meeting of Council
Organize a forum prior to STF spring council for the Assembly Representatives to discuss and debate resolutions published by the STF in preparation for council
Ensure resolutions are submitted before deadline
Minimum 1 meeting per year
Maximum 4 members with voting power
Social Committee
Chairpersons: Lenora Hobbs & Caileen McKeague
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Plan and implement the STA Partners’ Social
Plan and implement the New Teachers’ Social
Plan any other events as directed by the Executive
Minimum 2 meetings per year
Maximum 7 ratified members with voting power
Teacher Relations - Catholic & Public Committees
SSR Mentorship Committee
Chairpersons: Michelle Gulka
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
This is an Ad Hoc Committee, and is therefore not defined in the Constitution. It's parameters are:
Work to support the onboarding of new SSRs through development of training materials and reference materials
No prescribed minimum meetings per year
No prescribed maximum ratified members with voting power
Substitute Teacher Committee
Chairpersons: Larissa Snider
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
This is an Ad Hoc Committee, and is therefore not defined in the Constitution. It's parameters are:
Work to support the onboarding of new SSRs through development of training materials and reference materials
No prescribed minimum meetings per year
No prescribed maximum ratified members with voting power
STA Awards Committee
Chairpersons: Ali Burgess
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Set criteria for awards, nomination process and nomination deadline.
Communicate the purpose, criteria, and nomination process with the Assembly prior to the deadline.
Review the nomination forms and select the award recipients.
Hold meetings as required
Maximum 4 members with voting power
Superannuation Committee
Chairpersons: Kelsey Kiefer & Jana Gibbons
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Promote the annual recognition of superannuates, including a function honouring them
Minimum 4 meetings per year
Maximum 8 members with voting power
Cathlic System Committees
These committees do their work during the Catholic System Meeting following Representative Assemblies.
Catholic LINC Committee
Chairpersons: Shayne Meggs
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Authority to negotiate local collective agreements in accordance with The Education Act, 1995
Liaise with the STF and other LINCS on matters related to bargaining
Monitor the implementation of local and provincial collective agreements.
Hold meetings as required
Maximum 10 members with voting power
Catholic Teacher Relations Committee
Chairpersons: Justin Morrison & Chetwin Swales
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Automatically chaired by the System Coordinators
Discuss teacher concerns, with division administration, regarding working conditions, Board and Ministry initiatives and other mutually agreed upon items.
Members will be recommended by the system coordinators to ensure the committees reflect the diversity of the teaching population in terms of roles, assignments, and membership demographics.
Ratified by the Catholic System Assemblies.
Develop mutually agreed upon summary reports, annually, outlining the discussions, decisions, and actions of the committee to be presented to the respective parties.
Minimum 2 meetings per year
Maximum 8 to 10 members with voting power
GSCS Professional Development Committee
Chairpersons: ?
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
“Be established each year in accordance with and for the purposes outlined in the GSCS LINC agreement.”
GSCS Grievance Committee
Chairpersons: ?
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
Shall be established in accordance with and for the purposes outlined in the LINC agreement.
Public System Committees
These committees do their work during the Public System Meeting following Representative Assemblies.
Public LINC Committee
Chairpersons: Vince Mamer
Ratified Members: Cody Appleton, Marcy Cook, Ken Ens, Murray Guest, Ken Howlett, Chelsea Jewell, Emma Orr, Larissa Snider, Cathlia Ward
According to the STA constitution:
Authority to negotiate local collective agreements in accordance with The Education Act, 1995
Liaise with the STF and other LINCS on matters related to bargaining
Monitor the implementation of local and provincial collective agreements.
Hold meetings as required
Maximum 10 members with voting power
SPSD Board of Review Committee
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA constitution:
“Be established each year in accordance with and for the purposes outlined in the [SPSD] LINC agreement.”
Public Travel Grant Committee
Chairpersons: Unfilled - will be filled if funds are made available.
Ratified Members: will be filled if funds are made available.
According to the STA constitution:
Set criteria and priorities for the disbursement of funds.
Make criteria and priorities known to the general membership.
Review applications and allocate funds to successful applicants.
Work in cooperation with SPSD administration personnel.
Meet as required and dissolve committee when funds are disbursed
Maximum 2 members with voting power
Catholic - Justin Morrison & Chetwin Swales
Public - Cody Appleton & Cathlia Ward
Ratified Members: will be determined in September
According to the STA Constitution, the committees shall:
Discuss teacher concerns, with division administration, regarding working conditions, Board and Ministry initiatives, and other mutually agreed upon items.
Be recommended by the System Coordinators to ensure the committees reflect the diversity of the teaching population in terms of roles, assignments, and membership demographics.
They will be ratified by their respective System Representative Assemblies.
According to the STA Constitution, the Public Teacher Relations Committee shall:
Develop mutually agreed upon summary reports, after each meeting, outlining the discussions, decisions, and actions of the committee to be presented to the respective parties.
Hold meetings as required, a minimum of four per school year.
Consist of the two System Coordinators and up to four additional members put forward by the System Coordinators and ratified at a Representative Assembly-System Meeting for a term of one year.
According to the STA Constitution, the Catholic Teacher Relations Committee shall:
Develop a mutually agreed upon summary report, annually, outlining the discussions, decisions, and actions of the committee to be presented to the respective parties.
Hold meetings as required, a minimum of two per school year.
Consist of eight to ten members put forward by the System Coordinators and ratified at a Representative Assembly- System Meeting for a term of one year.
Public Teacher Relations Committee
Chairpersons: Cody Appleton & Cathlia Ward
Ratified Members: Michelle Gulka, Rob Liggett, Chris Scheirer, Vince Mamer
According to the STA constitution:
Automatically chaired by the System Coordinators
Discuss teacher concerns, with division administration, regarding working conditions, Board and Ministry initiatives and other mutually agreed upon items.
Members will be recommended by the system coordinators to ensure the committees reflect the diversity of the teaching population in terms of roles, assignments, and membership demographics.
Ratified by the Public System Assembly.
Develop mutually agreed upon summary reports, after each meeting, outlining the discussions, decisions, and actions of the committee to be presented to the respective parties.
Minimum 4 meetings per year
Maximum 4 members with voting power