2025 By-Elections
Candidate Profiles
Member at Large
Member at Large
Election Packages
Rob Janzen
I am the head of Mechanics at Walter Murray Collegiate and have worked in Saskatoon Public Schools for over 15 years. During my time, I have taught grades as low as grade 4 up to grade 12 so I feel I have a good insight into the diversity of teaching. I have been involved in the STA as an executive member where I focused on tracking and gaining insight into the spending of the previous STA administration. My goals are to be efficient in the spending of teacher’s fees with the STA and to impact the STF by creating guidelines that support teachers.
Lauren Klassen
I am a teacher with Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools with five years of teaching experience in primary and secondary settings. I currently teach at Oskâyak High School. I am excited to get involved with the STA to work towards positive change in education.
As a candidate for Member at Large I bring experience from the different capacities I have served in the community. I was the secretary and now the vice chair at Core Neighborhood Youth Co-op for the past six years and have been vice chair at Sum Theatre for one year. In these roles I have been able to collaborate with other members to promote the development of our programs, organize fundraisers, and support community engagement initiatives.
During this past municipal election, I identified strong candidates for the Catholic School Board, persuaded them to run, and managed both their campaigns. This consisted of coordinating volunteers, executing social media strategies, and canvassing. After all this work it was uplifting to see two retired teachers join the Board of Trustees to advocate for education!
For the last two years I led a session at the STA’s convention in my previous role as Saskatchewan Youth Poet Laureate. As Saskatchewan Youth Poet Laureate, I had the opportunity to build connections with teachers and students across Saskatchewan while exploring ways to support educators in their classrooms. I also co-organize Write Out Loud, Saskatoon’s youth spoken word collective, where we have built a strong community by creating consistent and high-quality programming.
My opportunities this past year as a participant in the class Organizing for Power and as a member of the STA Resolutions Committee have given me insights into how my experience can play an effective role in advocating for change in our schools and for our profession.
Thank you for your consideration!
Susan Nunweiler
With 16 years of experience as an educator, a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology and Special Education, and a post-degree certificate in special education, I bring extensive knowledge and expertise to the profession. My career has spanned both rural and urban educational settings, providing me with a diverse perspective on the needs of students, educators, and school communities. In my current role as a resource teacher, I am dedicated to fostering inclusive learning environments and providing individualized support to help all students experience success.
This year, I have been actively involved with the Saskatoon Teachers’ Association (STA), serving as an STA representative and as a member of the Saskatoon Public Schools (SPS) Convention Committee. These roles have allowed me to collaborate with colleagues, represent the voices of educators, and contribute to professional development initiatives that strengthen our teaching community.
Beyond my STA involvement, I have demonstrated strong leadership through chairing committees within local associations and developing and delivering professional development sessions for educators. These experiences have enabled me to promote evidence-based practices, address key priorities, and inspire positive change within education.
As a lifelong learner, I continuously seek opportunities to grow my pedagogy and stay informed about current research and best practices. My professional journey reflects a commitment to supporting student success, fostering collaboration among educators, and contributing to a thriving, inclusive educational community.
Alicia Painchaud-Redekop
With 15 years of experience as an English as an Additional Language (EAL) teacher in Saskatoon, I am deeply passionate about the teaching profession and dedicated to supporting students from diverse backgrounds. Throughout my career, I have actively responded to the evolving needs of our educational community and assisted my colleagues in adapting to these changes.
As a candidate for the executive position, I am committed to contributing honest, thoughtful participation to the Saskatchewan Teacher's Association. My approach will reflect the collective voice of my colleagues, ensuring their concerns and aspirations are heard and addressed. I believe that working together, listening with a genuine desire to understand, and supporting one another are essential for our continued growth and strength as a profession.

Nomination Forms
Members interested in running will ask a colleague in good standing to nominate them using the appropriate form. Filling out the form will serve as a digital signature to nominate.
Nominations will be open from Monday, January 6th to Friday, January 24th at 5:00 PM.
Nomination Form for Public System Coordinator - 1 nomination required
Nomination Form for Executive Member-at-large - 1 nomination required
Declaration Forms
In order to complete your nomination process, you must also complete the appropriate declaration form for the position for which you are declaring your candidacy.
Submission deadline is Friday January 24th at 5:00 PM.
Candidate Profile & Photo
there is an option to email elections@saskatoonteachers.ca a 300 word profile and/or photo, which will be posted to the website and social media.
Submission deadline is midnight on Friday January 24th.